
New NHL jerseys

I have been searching the internet (not quite all of it though) for pictures of new team jerseys, but have managed to find just a few. So far most of them suck real bad!

However, I do want to start off with the only jersey to get five stars from me (so far), Boston Bruins. This jersey absolutely reeks of tradition and class. Unfortunately, not many teams nowadays seem to value those things. The original six teams have always passed in my book simply because they are all 200 years old and no one dares to mess with tradition in places like Montreal, Toronto and Detroit.

It seems like most of the newer teams just let Rbk do what they felt like and go crazy (which is exactly what they did). Nashville's (a jersey I have always hated) doesn't even look like a hockey jersey anymore. It looks like a really ugly football shirt, that someone threw up on, with way too many vertical lines, designed to attract younger fans how could care less about traditon and probably even like football more than hockey. The Los Angeles jersey is ok I guess (although I never cared much for that purple color), except for the Los Angeles text at the bottom. I always thought the shark logo looked kind of stupid (though not nearly as stupid as that damn duck), but now someone redesigned it so it looks like it's from a Disney comic book. Worse! If the Florida Panthers would lose that big red vertical patch on the arms it actually look alright. I think the Ottawa Senators look ok. There is nothing in that jersey to get me irritated. But, there is also nothing that gets me excited. The old roman logo looked cooler.

That is pretty much all I have seen so far. I will get back with more once I have viewed the rest. I am very excited to see how bad the Canucks will have messed up with their new jersey. Will they perhaps bring in yet another new logo (hate that whale one). I wish they would come to their senses and just stick with one design, preferably the black, red and yellow from the 90s or the blue, green and white from the 70s.


Anonymous said...

The Canucks have to go with the blue, green and white jerseys. They are the coolest. Did you see the Capitals jerseys? They went back to the red, white and blue coloring. I did not like the white, blue and silver thing.

Anyway, the NHL needs to stop letting teams have a new jersey design ever two years or whatever. The reason the originals are the best is not only because they are designed well, but also they have been constant. Yes, there have been minor changes to them, but for the most part the changes have remained true to the original design.

Niklas Olsson said...

I totally agree. This needs to stop if they really want to compete with the bigger sports. I did notice a lot of fans weren't happy with the new jersey (just the fact that the team has a new jersey every other year would make me unhappy). However I thought it was the best one since the black, red and yellow (which got them to the final!). I kind of like the 'Vancouver' written across the chest, I think it looks a little old school rather than bush league. But please, lose that ugly looking fish!

I like that the Capitals went back to their original colors and logo, that eagle looked stupid, but I did not like the jersey design. The neck looks like a football shirt (which I am guessing is what Rbk normally designs).

Anonymous said...

The new Canuck jersey is actually A-OK! Love the old shades of the blue and green. Don't mind the 'Vancouver' written across the chest. Perhaps they could have worked on a different font but after looking at it a few times it seems to mold well with the logo.

The Caps did the right thing by (almost) bringing back their original emblem. But Reebok screws it up by covering it with their 'stripes'. At first glance, I'm not sure if it's a hockey jersey or some over-sized bicycle outfit.

The Leafs will unveil their new threads within the next two weeks, probably around the 14th. Reportedly, their current logo will remain unscathed. The bottom two stripes will be removed and say adieu to the "TML" shoulder patches.

Believe it or not, I'm actually a fan of Buffalo's jerseys that were introduced last season. I do think they could do without the miniature chest numbers but save from that they look sharp. Trust me on this one, I belong to a huge minority when I say I dig the Sabres jerseys as the rant was on as soon as they were presented.

The team most in need of a major face-lift have been the Boston Bruins and they got just what the doctor ordered when they introduced their upcoming jerseys almost two months ago on draft day. Gone are those dreadful arena football shirts that have embarassed Bruins Nation since the rink change in '95.
Arguably, they now top the list of the classiest looking jerseys because (a) the retro-70's Big Bad Bruins model not only looks sharp but also reminds us of a (once) winning tradition and (b) I'm a biased Beantown fan.

Niklas Olsson said...

I also like the new, very retro, Sabres jersey from last season and I think the Capitals should have gone for the horizontal stripes on the arms and waist.