
Dream match up in second round

The Washington Capitals have spent most of the regular season and the first round of the playoffs coming back and they have captured a lot of fans doing it. Unfortunately, in the first round they faced an even better comeback team in the Philadelphia Flyers. After losing two straight games, missing a chance to clinch the series at home in Game 6, the Flyers finally figured out how to get the better of Alex Ovechkin and his band of young talent.

The San Jose Sharks looked uninspired in Game 6 but pulled them selves together and put out the Flames in Game 7. They will never admit it but, I think the Dallas Stars are quite happy to play the Sharks rather than Calgary.

It is extremely rare that a team returns from a 3-1 defecit and it didn't happen now either. The Boston Bruins fell short in Game 7 just like the Caps. This gives us a second round that is a virtual wet dream and also very hard to predict (like always when it comes to pure guessing), so I'm not going to predict any scores.

Pittsburgh-NY Rangers
San Jose-Dallas

I have to ponder this one for a bit and come back with my thoughts on the second round. But if you have any predictions, please share with a comment!

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